skywalker astrology

On Astrology

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Astrology is one of the oldest and most ancient arts and technologies of humanity.

It is the study of cycles, of time, and understanding how, through observation, calculation and intuition, our human lives connect to the greater cycles of our solar system and beyond.
It is the study of time.
From what might seem like the most mundane - which is the best moment to sow? which to harvest? - to the deeper layers of existence, the study of the energy underlying a certain time.

Furthermore astrology is a language; one that allows us to understand reality through a new set of eyes, seeing things and making connections we were unaware of before.
It is a language that helps us put a name on to dynamics playing out in all of life; from the natural world, through the socio-political sphere of society to even, and especially, the most inner part of our subjective experience of life.
Our thoughts and emotions, our patterns and challenges, our fears and gifts, our dreams and our desires.

In this way, astrology is also a mirror and a gateway. One into which we can gaze to reveal a more extensive perspective of who we truly are.
One through which we can enter into a broader sense of our purpose and meaning in life, as well as a deeper connection to the cosmos at large.

The 12 archetypes of the zodiac signs are a portrayal, a symbolic depiction, of the entire spectrum of consciousness here on earth.
Mirroring, informing and corresponding with every possible experience of life and consciousness.
Every thought, emotion and desire. Every outer and inner event is an interplay of these archetypes.

All of us are synchronized, wether we know of it or not, to this cosmic clock.
The sun, the moon and the planets are the different hands of this cosmic chronograph.

All things breathe together
— Plotinus

On Evolutionary Astrology

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Evolutionary Astrology is the modality my work is based on.
It is a school and technique of astrology, based on the teachings of Jeffrey Wolf Green.
It’s intention is to identify the evolutionary path & journey of your Soul.

A deeply spiritual approach to astrology, this understanding is based on a few fundamental premises.

The cosmos is one being, one life, intelligently alive with an underlying divine design and purpose.
This purpose is the evolution and expansion of consciousness, thus also the evolution of our Soul and our own individual consciousness.
And since after all, all of life is connected in an intricate, infinite web of inter-being, the planetary movements are connected to us and we to them. They are a mirror - not a causal agent - to the unfoldment of life in our planetary sphere.

We are fated to our birth charts, that moment in time our physical body was born, yet we have a free will and thus choices we can make. Destiny is in our own hands. The choices we make have consequences and evolving means taking responsibility for our free will and it’s use. Not choosing and staying in the same patterns is also a choice.

The unfoldment of our evolution occurs over numerous lifetimes. There is a part of us that lives and travels on, and while most of us don’t consciously remember much of it, the memories of whatever occurred live on in our subconscious mind.
Astrology can help us see these deeper patterns, and thus also the why’s and how’s of our life circumstances. From the big question of individual purpose and meaning in this life, to also the unfoldment of specific events we are living through.

Nothing happens randomly in life, there is always reasons behind and lessons to be learned from what we experience.
Everything - even if it sometimes might seem like the total opposite - helps us to grow, evolve and become freer beings.
Aware and conscious of our divine beingness and unity with the entire cosmos.
Thus, all of life is conspiring to help us become aware of that. All of existence is supporting us in the journey of consciously returning back to the source of creation. Helping us to free ourselves from the illusion of separation.
Turning us into more joyful, creative, vital, kind, loving and wise human beings as we walk this path.
And ultimately, returning us back to
our true nature.

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Working with Astrology

The hermetic doctrine underlying all of astrology is “As above so below, as within so without, as the universe so the soul.”
Thus looking at your birth chart, and it’s evolution & progression over time, allows us to see the energy of the time that you are bringing into this world - the energy you are expressing over the course of your life.

Through the work with evolutionary astrology we can get a deep glimpse into the underlying patterns that you are living through in this lifetime. We can see the potential traumas you have suffered, in this and in previous lives, and how those might still stifle your growth, causing you pain, sadness or fear.
The meaning of why you were born into a specific family with it’s own dynamics and how that reflects & mirrors your soul growth.
Furthermore, we can clearly see the path your soul has been on; what the deepest desires of your soul are and the strongest subconscious resistances you are facing towards your growth, and how all of that might have played out in previous lifetimes and is still influencing this one.

In this way, evolutionary astrology can give us answers to some of the most existential as well as the most practical and mundane questions of our life- since after all, the mundane world is the stage for the spiritual unfoldment of our being.

A few of the most common questions we can address in a session are :

  • Where your Soul is coming from and where you are going.

  • The meaning and purpose you want to live out in this lifetime.

  • Your past, your traumas, health crises, breakdowns and subconscious fears
    ~ and how to liberate yourself from them!

  • Your relationship patterns and dynamics
    in romantic relationships as well as with family, friends and colleagues.

  • Why you meet and connect with the people that are in your life;
    the evolutionary purpose behind those relationships.

  • A deep understanding of your own emotional nature
    why you have the needs you have and how they interact with those of others.

  • How to bring out your creativity and gifts to the world.

  • Your vocational potential & direction - deep guidance to live authentically in that regard.

  • Your physical-health
    The potential reasons & lessons underlying your ailments or accidents, and how to best support your body & heal your dis-eases.

  • Your spiritual path
    with all it’s twists, confusion, epiphanies, disappointments, intensity and beauty.

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